Industry-leading practice management software for exceptional animal care

Syndicate Billing

Our mission is to support our vet practices to deliver exceptional animal care. This support can come in many shapes and sizes and we know our vets are happier when their customers are happy.

We all know the pains of bill paying – add to that the complexity of having more than one bill payer for an animal in a syndicate and things get out of hand, fast.

Our syndicate billing functionality is one way to keep those bill paying headaches at bay – for our vets and their customers. Here’s a run-down of some of the key benefits:

  • Simplification of billing process for the practice – our system saves busy vets’ time. In other systems, you have to create multiple patients – one for every syndicate owner – plus a bill for every owner, in line with their percentage share. But with VetIT, all clinical notes, procedures and prescriptions are held centrally, the total is then calculated, and then we create multiple invoices, one per syndicate owner based on their percentage of ownership. This reduces administrative work and, with everything captured in one place, minimises errors.
  • Tailored bills for multiple customers – our system will issue a bill to each of the syndicate owner in line with their percentage share of ownership. Amounts are calculated transparently and fairly so no one has to figure out who owes what each time a bill is to be issued.
  • Improved client satisfaction – the tailored bills are then issued to customers. The comprehensive bill shows customers the charges in an easy-to-understand format and customers can then make payments.

This simple process can enhance the overall customer experience and foster better customer relationships.

What’s the overall benefit to the practice?

The syndicate billing process has been designed to make shared bills easier to understand and payments simpler for our vets’ customers. No one likes clunky, hard to navigate payment systems, so we’ve removed these problems for our vets – making them easy to do business with.

Syndicate billing is just one of the many features of our practice management system. Our PMS provides detailed reports and analytics; allowing practice owners to analyse revenue streams, identify trends, and make informed decisions to optimise their practice’s financial health.

If there is anything else you would like to know then we would be more than happy to help. Click on the link opposite to get in touch or book a demo.

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