Here are some of the most common questions about our Practice Management Software.

Take a read and if you have any queries, please just let us know.

We know our stuff and our technical team are really easy to talk to…

Is my data safe?

Yes, we run back-ups every 15 minutes, which is much more frequently than if your data was held on a server.

What happens when the internet goes down?

There’s no change to your data, it’s just the connection that’s lost so you can still access from another wifi connection or location.

Is the system safe from hackers?

Yes, we use one of the largest UK owned hosting companies to look after our servers and their professionals keep viruses and threats away.

Why is Cloud better than server?

For lots of reasons! Some of our favourites are listed below:

All your data can be accessed remotely

No hardware is required

Your data is saved and protected against fire or flooding

The system doesn’t require ‘updates’ as with a server, which means corruptions are avoided

Backups are automatic.

We know that a technical headache is the last thing you need when running a busy practice, so we’ve made sure our system is durable and easy to implement, access and maintain."
What are the benefits to your 24/7 support?

No waiting around for engineers to visit to make fixes

We backup in different locations

We have our own servers with one of the largest UK providers

We offer unlimited training to cover you as your team grows – with no hidden costs

Our technical team are really easy to talk to and happy to help

We can access remotely with team view

Our system is supported 24/7

We have a support team on hand 8.30-5.30

We have an emergency contact available when you’re stuck

As we become increasingly reliant on new technologies, we want to make sure they’re safe and reliable, but you can be assured that the cloud is a down to earth solution."
What makes VetIT so simple?

Login anywhere, anytime from your web or mobile network, main

VetIT system or via the VetIT On The Road app

Simple IT infrastructure

No in house IT experts required

No in house servers that fill up or need replacing, so your data storage requirements grow seamlessly with your business

We’ll automatically update new versions or updates

No backups at the end of the day, we’re looking after the data 24/7

You need the right tools to be successful and with a sophisticated database and reporting system, you’ll have access to all the important information. With logical layouts and access, it’s all at your fingertips!"
Why is Database important?

Detailed, granular level reporting

Sophisticated reporting can inform sales and marketing activity

Bespoke data tailored to your practice and clients

New applications can be easily rolled out, such as our On The Road app

Multiple user logins

Robust, established and flexible system

Secure systems and an experienced team on hand ensures that if you need us, before or after you’ve got our PMS – we’ll be here and ready to help."

Book a call or schedule a demo.

Our friendly team are ready and waiting to help.

Let’s talk >
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