About VetIT

Who we are

We started our journey nearly 20 years ago – coming together as a team of veterinary software developers with a clear vision – to create a PMS that could support a modern, dynamic veterinary practice.

Find out more about who we are

How we support you

We understand that selecting or changing practice management software can be a challenging task. However, we have designed our business to ensure that we provide support from the initial demo to implementation, launch, and beyond. Our knowledgeable and approachable PMS team is always available to assist you and resolve any concerns you may have.

Learn more about how we deploy our veterinary practice management system and our support and training services

Meet our team

We’re a passionate bunch of developers, analysts and relationship managers who trust and rely on each other to deliver for every client. We understand the pressures that vets are under and we use our skills to support them in delivering exceptional animal care.

Meet the team members who support the VetIT veterinary practice system

Join our team

We’re a passionate bunch of developers, analysts and relationship managers who trust and rely on each other to deliver for every client. We understand the pressures that vets are under and we want to use our skills to support them in delivering exceptional animal care.

Look at our vacancies page to see if we are currently looking for roles

NVS Group

We’re proud to be part of NVS Group. With our sister companies, we can offer all our veterinary practitioners an end-to-end service and support them with everything they need to run an efficient practice through trustworthy delivery and unrivalled customer service.

Find out more about the NVS Group and their services